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暗物质 第一季

暗物质 第一季

上映年份:2015 / 上映地区:加拿大 / 影片语言:
影片导演: Ron Murphy T·J·斯科特  
更新日期:2022-06-10 22:57:00
暗物质 第一季剧情概要介绍:立即播放
The six-person crew of a derelict spaceship awakens from stasis in the farthest reaches of space. Their memories wiped clean, they have no recollection of who they are or how they got on board. The only clue to their identities is a cargo bay full of weaponry and a destination: a remote mining colony that is about to bee a war zone. With no idea whose side they are on, they face a deadly decision. Will these amnesiacs turn their backs on history, or will their pasts catch up with them?
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